Saturday, January 19, 2013

January 18, 2013

Some new pics and a video. Ben is talking more and more each day. He loves to go to public places and say "Hi!" to everyone he sees. He LOVES the grocery store. If he's in a bad mood (rarely) or not feeling good, we know we can take him somewhere to meet new people and he will be a happy camper. He loves to sing with me and can even add in the missing words. He is speaking in"sentences" such as, "Night night, Mama," and "Bye bye, Daddy." He loves to say the following words: go, car, truck, hi, bye, broccoli, peas, banana, wawa (water), no no, belly, bath, duck, quack, dog, cat cat, bird, whoa, Papa, Meemee, Hope, and probably some more I can't think of.

1 comment:

  1. Love all of the pictures! He is so cute!! :-)My favorites are the ones in the shopping cart and the one where he is concentrating so hard on getting his food out of his bowl. I miss him! Need to see him soon! :-)
