Saturday, May 31, 2014


We had the dreaded allergy skin test done this week. As you can see from the photo, Ben has quite a few allergies. Here's the list:
Dust mites
Red oak

He had the biggest reaction with peanuts, oak pollen, and dust mites. The good news is that he is not allergic to any other foods besides whole eggs ( they make him vomit, not break out). 

Ben was a trooper during the testing. I tried to prepare him, so he knew what to expect. He didn't cry at all, just said, "Ow, she poke me, Mama?  That's okay!"  They said he was the best kid they had ever tested, even among the older ones. They couldn't believe how sweet he acted. They poked him with 24 different sticks!  I am relieved to have it over. It really wasn't that bad. We just have to maintain control over it in the bad months and keep him away from peanuts. And, of course, take the Epi-pen with us everywhere we go. 

We also visited a cool place last weekend. It was the home of a folk artist who lived in North Georgia. His home town restored his house and the surrounding gardens. He was quite prolific in his old age, producing thousands of pieces, mostly from everyday objects. Ben loved exploring the grounds, and the art was really cool. We love taking Ben to new places and exposing him to new experiences. He is so much fun and is so well-behaved. Here are some pics:

Sunday, May 18, 2014


We spent time with family this weekend attending a dance recital and watching one of the nephews play baseball. Ben is the apple of everyone's eye. He wore a yellow linen outfit to the recital that belonged to my oldest nephew. After 14 years, it still looks good! We love traditions in our family. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Got a haircut, allergies are in full effect, still working on the potty training! He got a hand-me-down kitchen from one of the teachers, and he loves it! He loves to pretend. 

Here are some fun things he says:
"I got lotsa lotsa toys, Mama!" (Yep)
"I'm gonna cook for you tonight, Daddy."
"My poop looks like a brown caterpillar."(sorry for that)
"That was a monster poop, Mama." (sorry again - we are potty training and have many poop conversations)
"I'm pretending. I use my 'magination, Mama."

He loves the kitty next door, and we have half adopted him. He still loves going to school every week day where they teach him with the 3-year-old and preschool curriculum because he has outpaced the class he was in. He is learning to read - kind of. He recognizes words and can say the first sound. He has some sight words mastered also. 

He hates bees or any other buzzy insect. He loves to point out the dead worms on the sidewalks. He is no longer a morning person when we have to get him ready for school, but when he wakes up on his own, he spends 20 minutes in his crib just singing and talking to himself. It's adorable.